This is one of those “only in America” stories. Nazar Gozeh and Sana Sabir immigrated from northern Iraq over 25 years ago. They both took classes, and Nazar earned a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering that allowed him to work a dream job for the State Department. They have three children, two of whom have a rare genetic condition that caused seizures for years. They eventually found a research team in London that identified the exact gene causing the problems and a treatment of vitamin B6 that finally controlled the seizures.
The girls have lingering behavioral and sensory challenges, alleviated by fun craft projects such as decorating for holidays with balloons. Blowing up and tying so many balloons left them with sore fingers. They came up with a patented clip that makes the whole process fast and easy. Balloon garlands are popular—just look at Instagram—but time-consuming. Having a unique device that speeds up the process led them to build a business around it:
Nazar and Sana came to Studio 2D for a professionally designed logo. Building out the brand is an instruction booklet, mini-brochure, packaging, and business cards, with more items planned. Gretchen helped them set up the Shopify store to be on brand, but still editable by Nazar.
The Gozeh family is committed to giving 5% of profits to Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation to help other children.