Pollinators Website

We all know that pollinators are good. For the causal gardener, the question is how to encourage pollinators to visit. To answer that question, Studio 2D was engaged to create a website that brings science, planning, tips, and more to the general population. The interface is beautiful and easy to navigate, because that’s what we […]
CICADA Website

In collaboration with 2wav, Studio 2D designed the website for the Conservation Inclusive Construction and Development Archive (CICADA). The goal of the website is to make it easy for homeowners and developers in Illinois to find the best information on making wildlife friendly habitats. The home page features a banner photo showing how a beautiful […]
Hunt Illinois

In collaboration with 2wav, Studio 2D designed this comprehensive hunting website for Illinois Department of Natural Resources. This is an example of a “web app” that works beautifully on a phone without having to download a separate app. Just go to the URL. Hunt Illinois has lots of resources, including information by species and a […]
Pavlov Media

Pavlov Media was between designers, and Studio 2D was called in to complete a few essential projects. We were working with an established brand. Using the existing logo and colors, we produced a variety of professional, high quality marketing pieces, including this presentation folder, brochure, and website.
LED 50 Years

In October of 2012, the University of Illinois celebrated the 50th anniversary of Nick Holonyak’s invention of the LED. Illinois alumnus Nick Holonyak Jr. demonstrated the first practical, visible spectrum light-emitting diode (LED) at the GE Advanced Semiconductor Laboratory in Syracuse, New York on October 9, 1962. His design is the prototype for all high-brightness […]