Studio 2D Publication Design
You need an experienced designer for your print publications. Younger designers grew up in a digital world and don’t understand print. Many don’t know the difference between RGB and CMYK, or why print requires a resolution four times higher than digital, or how to prepare press-ready files with bleeds and cropmarks.
I am Gretchen Wieshuber, founder of Studio 2D, and my first job was designing books for a firm in Chicago. I learned the conventions of publication design, how to create rhythm and flow, the strategic use of white space, how to add interest to a page with images, pull quotes, bulleted lists, and more.
For over 30 years I have been designing books, magazines, annual reports, and informational booklets. Deep knowledge of the printing process and relationships with printers are a bonus when working with me.
As always, we start with a consultation to determine your audience and objectives. I will provide a proposal with a firm estimate. (The prices below are ballpark figures.) Upon your approval and deposit, I will begin work. I don’t use templates. Your design will be unique.
What You Provide | Content in the form of Word files and images as high-resolution jpg, png, or tif files:
- Share files via Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box
- For multiple sections, create a subfolder for each section
- Images must be uploaded separately, not embedded in Word
- Proofread everything carefully to save on the cost of revisions
- Raw data for diagrams and infographics
What I Provide | Cover and interior design:
- Three variations for the cover design
- Sample interior spread
- Layout of entire publication presented as a PDF proof
- One round of major revisions that can include layout changes
- One round of minor revisions
- Final corrections and print-ready PDF file
Example Pricing
- Newsletter: 8 pages: $800–1100
- Magazine: 32 pages plus covers: $2400–3800
- Magazine: 60 pages plus covers: $3800–4400
- Report: 20 pages plus covers, with infographics: $2400–2800
- Conference Program: 40 pages plus covers, with graphics: $1800–2400
- Book: 96 pages plus covers, few images: $1800–2400
- Book: 120 pages plus covers, with images: $3600–4200
Total price is lower for publications that contain print-ready ads. For periodicals, price is lower when subsequent issues use the same design.
On the higher end are publications with lots of diagrams, infographics, or photos. More than three rounds of revisions will result in an additional charge.

Event coordinators, alumni relations officers, teachers, thought leaders, communications directors, fundraisers, and business service providers all come to Studio 2D for professional publications that inform and delight
I am happy to provide samples!
Just ask and I’ll send you pdf files via email, or bring printed samples to our first meeting.
Check out my online portfolio: